Des textes qui ont fait naître la colonie britannique de la rivière Saint-François (Drummondville)
1) Correspondance
de Gordon Drummond, gouverneur et commandant des forces britanniques en
Amérique du Nord
à Earl Bathurst, ministre de la Guerre et des Colonies
du Royaume-Uni, le 20 mai 1815.
2) Correspondance de Gordon Drummond, gouverneur et commandant des
forces britanniques en Amérique du Nord
à Earl Bathurst, ministre de la
Guerre et des Colonies du Royaume-Uni, le 6 juin 1815,
incluant les
instructions données au major Heriot le 4 juin 1815.
3) General Orders, 7 juin 1815.
4) Missive
du major Frederick George Heriot au capitaine Robert Loring,
particulier du gouverneur Gordon Drummond, le 13 juin 1815.
5) Missive
du lieutenant-colonel Frederick George Heriot
au quartier-maître général, Sidney Beckwith, le 13 février 1816.
6) Missive du lieutenant-colonel Frederick George Heriot au capitaine Robert Loring,
secrétaire particulier du gouverneur Gordon Drummond, le 14 juin 1816.
7) Rapport du colonel Christopher Myers au lieutenant-général John Coape Sherbrooke,
le 23 octobre 1816.
8) Bilan financier du surintendant général des colonies au Bas-Canada,
Frederick George Heriot, le 31 janvier 1817.
de Gordon Drummond, gouverneur et commandant des forces britanniques en
Amérique du Nord à Earl Bathurst, ministre de la Guerre et des Colonies
du Royaume-Uni,
le 20 mai 1815
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
Colonial Office Records, Q series (MG 11), vol. 132, p. 120-124. |
No. 18
My Lord,
From the dispatch No. 235 ad-
dressed to your Lordship by Sir George Prevost.
you will have learnt the extent and nature
of the arrangements which it appeared to him
should necessarily precede any attempt to carry
into effect the views of His Majesty’s Government,
as detailed in your Lordship’s Dispatch No. 79
for the Settlement of Portions of the disbanded
Troops on the Waste Lands of the Crown in
this Province.
Immediately on my assuming the ad-
ministration here, I turned my attention to the
further measures to be adopted for effecting
the objects proposed, which, I regret to say, I
have found still more complicated and vari-
ous, and attended with infinitely greater diffi-
culties even than your Lordship may have had
reason to expect.
In addition to the appointement made
by my Predecessor of a Person to superintend
their immediate execution, I have considered
it absolutely necessary to nominate another
for the general Charge and Direction of the
whole : for this purpose I have selected Major
Heriot who lately commanded the Corps of
Canadian Voltigeurs and in whose zeal and ca-
pability I have the fullest confidence I have
affixed to his appointement the Salary of
L 300 per annum with an Allowance of L 100
to cover all travelling expenses.
That this measure will meet your
Lordship’s approbation I will not permit
myself to doubt, when I submit to your
Lordship’s consideration, that without it,
there will be almost an impossibility of carry-
ing into execution the various arrangements
necessary to be made (but beyond the Power
of any one Person to attend to) for the establish-
ment in different parts of the Province for dis-
tant from each other, of a set of men who have
been unaccustomed to act for themselves who
are new to the climate and to all that is re-
quired of them as Settlers who must never-
theless be made to act on some combined Plan,
until enabled by their own Labour to proceed
without assistance. Without some such individu-
al to look up to for Protection, I can confidently
assure your Lordship that few Soldiers, who
have been in the habit altogether of depending
on the care taken of them by their officers, would
be induced to attempt an undetaking wherein
the difficulties they would have to encounter,
could not be alleviated by the advice, the coun-
tenance and the support of a Superintendant
in whose measures they could enterely confide.
I am firmly persuaded also, that the
expence of the Salaries attached to the Situa-
tions of the Superintendant & will be more than
repaid to Government by the advantage that
will be derived from their Services in guarding
against the waste of Provisions (and other means
of assistance to be given to the Settlers) which
will necessarily ensue if they are left to them-
selves: For it will be Part of the Duty of the
Superintendant to keep an accurate List of the
Settlers within their District entitled to Provisions
an to take care that they be not issued but to
those who shall be actually employed in culti-
vating with industry the Land assigned to
them, and that even then the issue be made
in such Proportions and at such Periods, as
shall most conduce to Economy in the use of
what is given.
To this Point I have considered particu-
lar attention necessary from knowing that a for-
mer attempt made by the Government to establish
disbanded Soldiers as Settlers in this country, great
waste of the bounty of Government was incurred
by indiscriminately, and without enquiry, giving
Provisions to all who professed a wish to become Settlers
and of whom many sold the Quantity issued to
them, and left the country or never took up their
Major Heriot has proceeded to the River St
Francis where I considered it best the first Es-
tablisment should be made and he will there
superintend the survey of the Townships on that
River, and ascertain by an actual Examination
of the Land, how far it is calculated for an
extensive Establisment and what will be the best
Situations for the Purpose.
In order to the immediate Performance of
the Survey, I have directed the Principal officer
of the Surveyor General’s Department to proceed
with Major Heriot, and to receive instructions from
him, a Deputy Assistant Commissary General has
also repaired to the same quarter for the Purpose
of making such arragements as may now be
found practicable for the future Formation of the
necessare Depôts of Provisions and Implements
of Husbandry for the Settlers.
Of the Townships on the River St. Francis
those of Grantham, Wickham and Melbourne have
appeared to me to hold out the fairest prospect
for the Establishment : And as a considerable pro-
portion of the Lands in each of these has been here-
tofore granted to Individuals in or about Montral,
(who however have done nothing towards their
civilization) I have directed Major Heriot to make
proposals to them for the Exchange of those Lands
for others in such situations as may be mutu-
ally convenient for their own views and those
of Government.
I cannot conclude this Dispatch without
declaring to your Lodship my firm Persuasion
that unless the assistance of Government to hold
out in every possible way to the Settlers who
may be placed on the waste Lands in this
country, the whole object will be completely frus-
trated. American Farmers will crowed into the
Province and owing to the Facility with which
they convey their Families, Furniture & Stock
will, without doubt succeed and flourish, when on
the other hand our Settlers will be perfectly des-
titute, but for the Articles supplied them by
Government; unless therefore they are strongly aud
long supported, they will turn with weariness
and disgust from a talk, which, in its outset
is peculiarly disheartening, and in all its stages,
require the ubmost exertions of Labour and
The assistance of Government, therefore
must be afforded and continued to them until
their own Labour shall raise them above the
need of it; and however great may be the
Expence (and I am bound to forewarn your
Lordship that its extent will be very consider-
able) it is certain that it will not be beyond
the value and importance of the objects to be
I shall not fail from time to time to
make your Lordship fully acquainted with the
Progressive effect of the settlement and have
now the Honor to be,
My Lord
your Lordship’s most
obedient & humble Servant
Gordon Drummond
The Right Hoble [Honorable]
Earl Bathurst
de Gordon Drummond, gouverneur et commandant des forces britanniques en
Amérique du Nord à Earl Bathurst, ministre de la Guerre et des Colonies
du Royaume-Uni,
le 6 juin 1815
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
Colonial Office Records, Q series (MG 11), vol. 132, p. 139-140. |
No 27
Castle of St. Lewis
Quebec, 6th June 1815.
My Lord,
I have the honor to inform
your Lordship that Major Heriot whom I
had directed, immediately upon his appoint-
ment to be Superintendant of the intented
establishment of settlers to proceed to the
River St. Francis for the purpose of selecting
the most suitable places for the purpose
has returned to Quebec and has reported to
me that great difficulty has arisen in pro-
curing a sufficient quantity of ungranted
lands in those towships to form a settle-
ment of that compact nature which in
such case is absolutely requisite.
This difficulty, (in itself materially ten-
ing to frustate the expectations and wishes of
government), arises from the improvident
grants which have heretofore been made, (as
I suggested to your Lordship in my dispatch
No. 18 of the 20th May last) of extensive tracts
of Land to private individuals, who hadnot
the means and perhaps never had the inten-
tion of bestowing on them the least cultivation,
by which means it now happens, that whole
Townships in those very situations which
would be most eligible for the establisment
of settlers as contemplated by Governement, now
remain without a single settlement and equally
useless to the Parties and to the Crown.
To remedy this evil I consider it highly
expedient that a Court of Escheats similar to
that established in Nova Scotia should forth,
with be erected in this Country, and that a
Commissioner should be appointed with such
assistance as may be found necessary in order
that the Lands thus improvidently granted
and yet lying waste may be re-invested
in the Crown to be regranted to those whom
the Government may wish to place upon them.
I avail myself of this opportunity to
inform your Lordship that the Proprietors of
some parts of the Townships on the St. Francis
have consented to an exchange of the Lands
wuich they hold there for others in other
situations and that measures will directly be taken
for carry into effect this exchange and for
placing as many as possible of those who
may wish to become settlers on the Lands
thus re-acquired by the Crown.
I take this occasion of transmitting
to your Lordship a copy of the instructions
which have been given to Major Heriot for
his guidance in executing the duties entrut-
ed to him.
I have the honor to be
My Lord, your Lordship
most obedt humble Servant
Gordon Drummond
The Right Honble
Earl Bathurst
Etc. etc, etc.
June 4th, 1815
Instructions to Major George Frederick Heriot
Superintendant of the Settlement to be made
by disbanded Soldiers and Emigrants from
Scotland and Ireland in Lower Canada
It being the intention of His Majesty's
Government to form a MilitaryAgricultural
settlement, near the province line, by grant-
ing to disbanded soldiers, locations of Waste
Lands and Crown Reserves. I have thought proper
to appoint you to be Superintendent of the
settlements intended to be made in Lower
Canada, and you will proceed to take upon
yourself the office, & govern yourself by the
following instructions.
You will as early as possible repair to
the situation which has been fixed upon
and having assembled such a number of
the candidates for land as you consider
sufficient to commence the settlement by
entering upon all the necessary previous
steps of felling timber, opening roads, & begin
your arrangements to erect such buildings
as may be requisite to receive those individu-
als who are to be first looated, and then extend
the buildings gradually according to the plan
and manner you propose to continue until the
arrangement is complented.
Each soldier is to be allowed one hundred
acres of land, and is to receive his location from
you upon your being satisfied that he is of the
description and character to become a useful
settler. He is to be placed on his land the
boundaries of which and the conditions of his
grant are to be expressed in the ticket of
location. It is to be clearly understood that
the lands held under these grants cannot be
alienated or disposed of until the grantee shall
have resided upon and cultivated a reason-
able proportion of the same for the space of
three years.
Each officer is to be entitled to a ticket
of location for 200 acres of land upon conditi-
on that he causes a reasonable proportion
of the same to br cultivated, & does not dis-
pose of it until three years after the date of
the ticket.
Officiers and men are to receive provisi-
ons for themselves and families in such
proportions as shall be hereafter specified
during one year.
Implements of husbandry and tools
will also be supplied to them in suffici-
ent quantities with other comforts according
to the necessity of the individuals.
To unable you to execute this impor-
tant trust every assistance will be allowed
to you.
You will be allowed a secretary whose
salary is to be 1 of cur[ren]cy a day and he will be
entitled to all the advantages of settle-
ment extended to officers. His duty will
likewise be to keep the Register of the grants
and other documents, & be in charge of the
implenents allowed to the settlement.
He will attend to the distribution of them
& carry your measures into effect. P.
de Boucherville, Esq.-- having been appoint-
ed a superintendent of settlers, he has re-
ceived directions to place himself under your
orders, and you will avail yourself of his
A sufficient number of persons duly
qualified to survey lands will be alloted
to you, to whom you will grant certificates
of having performed their duty and you
will he careful to express in all such
certificates the number of lots they have res-
pectively surveyed and the number of days
they have been employed. You will direct
the surveyors to comply most minutely
with the printed instructions furnished
to from the Surveyor General's office.
The Commissary General having
been instructed to transfer to you a com-
missariat officer with a similar estab-
lishment he has directed D[eput]y Ass[istan]t Com[missionar]y
General Leggatt who is well qualified for
the situation to place himself under your
orders, with a clerk, store keeper two issuers
which are deemed sufficient assistance
in that line for the present.
These persons you will direct to accom-
pany you, and your early attention will be
directed to forming depots of provisions
implements, & but as it is uncertain
what number of settlers may be immediate-
ly collected, and knowing the difficulties you
will at first experience in transporting all
the articles for food, and for commencing a settle-
ment in a wilderness. I have directed the Com-
missary General to cause your requisitions
both for provisions and stores to be from time
to time complied with at William Henry.
In the distribution of provisions you
will be guided by the established rules of
the Army, as far as circumstances will admit.
The ration however will be liable to such
diminution as you may direct from a con-
viction of the propriety of the case; but the
allowance to individuals is not in the ag-
gregate to exceed the ration of a soldier, a
soldier’s wife and child. You are to cause the
usual vouchers to be taken for all issues
of provisions and stores and regular ac-
counts to be made up of the receipts and
issues of every article appropriated to this
These accounts are to be made quar-
terly, the first quarter to end on the 24th
September next.
The store accounts are also to be made
quarterly showing the receipts and expenditures
of all tools, implements, carts waggons,
boats & every other article delivered & used
for the settlers.
The cash accounts are to be made
up in like manner quarterly and all sums
received & expended regularly accounted
for. These accounts as well those of provisi-
ons & stores are to be approved by you and when
complete are to be transmitted to the Military
Secretary, who will hand them to the Deputy
Commissary General of Accounts for examina-
tion, who is to certify the correctness of
them, and then transmit them to the proper
offices in England according to his instruc-
To enable you to meet the various ex-
penses that must oocur and cannot be previ-
ously ascertained, it is my intention to
issue a warrant of imprest quarterly in
your favour upon the Commissary General
for such sum as may be deemed necess-
ary, out of which you will make the re-
quisite disbursements for the settlement
including every expense for opening roads
repairs of tools, building stores, huts,
bridges & conveyance of the families, stores
and provisions from the depot to their respect-
ive locations. The conveyance of provisions
and stores to the depot will be defrayed
by the Commissariat & you will be especially
careful to economize as much as possible
in every instances as well as in the expendi-
ture of money as of provisions and stores.
You are aware that it is impracticable
to particularise all the various & extensives
duties which will devolve upon you but as you
can have constant reference to me and the
Quarter Master General who is to have the
general direction of all the concerns connected
with this important measure. I trust from the
confidence I feel in your intelligence, zeal and
integrity that every difficulty will be surmounted
and the views of His Majesty's Ministers
be carried into effect with all the expected ad-
vantages to Great Britain & this province.
Given under my hand at the Castle
of Saint Lewis, Quebec, this fourth day of
June, one thousand eight hundred & fifteen.
(Signed) Gordon Drummond,
By His Exc[ellenc]y's Command.
(Signed) R. Loring,
Enclosed : Copy
of instructions
to Major F.G. Heriot
Superintendant of Settlers
in Lower Canada
Missive du major Frederick George Heriot au capitaine Robert Loring,
secrétaire particulier du gouverneur Gordon Drummond, le 13 juin 1815
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
Secretary of States Papers, Document 16
RG 4, A1, S109
Quebec, 13th June 1815.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt
of the commission appointing me Superintendent
General of the settlements to be made in
Lower Canada, with instructions for my
May I request that you will inform
me whether it is His Excellency's intention
that I should include for grants of land,
provisions etc, the men who served in the
late war in the Corps of Voltijeurs,
Frontier Light Infy [Infantry] and Embodied Battalions
of Militia.
I avail myself of this opportunity
to solicit His Excellency's authority
for including for the land a few mechanics
or other useful persons, whom I might
find advantageous to encourage to
join the settlement - these however
not be allowed rations.
I have the honor to be
Sir, your Ob[edien]t Hum[ble] Ser[van]t
F.G. Heriot
Capt[ai]n Loring, &, &, &
Missive du lieutenant-colonel Frederick George Heriot
au quartier-maître général, Sydney Beckwith, le 13 février 1816
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
RG 8, série C, vol. 557, p. 38. |
Quebec 13th Feby [Febuary] 1816
I request that you will represent
to his Excellency the Commander of the
Forces that a guard house with a black
hole, are much required at the Drummond-
ville settlement – The military stationed
at that post are old soldiers of the 4th
Rl [Royal] Veteran Battalion upon whom solitary
confinement has better effect that any
other punishement.
I also beg to state that a store
is much required, that in use, being
insufficent and a very temporary
construction – one about fifty feet
long by thirty wide with a good fence
round it is essentielly necessary for
the security of the Public Stores collected
for the settlers and military.
I have the honor to be
Sir, your most Hue [Humble] Servt [Servant]
F.G. Heriot, LColl [Lieutenant Colonel]
Quarter Master Genl [General]
Missive du lieutenant-colonel Frederick George Heriot au capitaine Robert Loring,
secrétaire particulier du gouverneur Gordon Drummond, le 14 juin 1816
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
RG 1, L3L, vol. 429 (2).
Drummondville 14th June 1816
As a considerable number of settlers are joining
the depôt of William Henry with the view of bcomming
settlers in the Lower Canada and as the lands
alloted to me for the purpose of locating are insuficient
I think it would be advisable to give Mr Lindsay
an equivalent inland for those I have occupied of
his part of wickham in the Township of Ely, or
any other where there may be vacant lands, in
lieu of giving him the upper part of the notherly
half of Wickham as proposes. It appears to me
that the colter[?] tract of land might be settled
with advantage to Government from the following
circumstances. The 8th, 9th and 10th ranges are of
the first quality of land. 2ndly It is a tract
of land joining the Township of Acton and
near of Upton which will admit of settlement.
3dly The Provost River runs through the 8th range
Wickham where a Depot for provisions may be
formed and a fine situation for mills, without
which a new settlement cannot prosper!
Being anxious to have these arrangements
determined as soon as possible, I have the honor
to enclose the numbers of the lots of Mr Lindsay
land which I recommend to be exchange in
the event of his declining to take an equivalent
in Ely or other Towhships.
I have the honor to be
Sir, your most Hle Servt
FG Heriot
Lt Coll
Major Loring
& & &
Rapport du colonel Christopher Myers au lieutenant-général John Coape Sherbrooke,
le 23 octobre 1816
Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.
Colonial Office, MG 11, Q Séries, vol. 137, p. 264-270.
La première partie du
rapport porte sur la colonie de la rivière Rideau (Perth) dans le
Haut-Canada et la seconde partie concerne la colonie de la rivière
Saint-François (Drummondville). Voici la paléographie de cette dernière
partie :
Is Situated on the left Bank of
the River St. Francis 30 Miles from its
mouth. In the center of the settle-
ment, which extends along the River
for 24 Miles, the lands alloted for
it running about 12 Miles back. This
settlement was commenced the 13th July
1815. The village is 45 Miles from
William Henry, about 15 Miles of which
is a new Road cut through the Woods.
There are in the village 20 houses
including Barracks for 80 Men and an
Hospital, there is a School house
nearly finished, and which has been built
by subscription - in the Settlement, there are
nearly 300 Habitations which will
be ready for occupation by winter, inclu-
ding Huts, but many of the Buildings
are substantially put up. - There are
very few Cattle chiefly ..wing to the
Settlement being composed of Military
persons without money with the exception
of about Twenty four. - No wheat has
been sown, the fall Crops do not answer
in this part of the Country. - The Settlers
therefore await the Spring. - The first comers
raised last year tolerable Crops
of Potatoes, and they generally have
Gardens producing a small supply of
Vegetables. - At present time there are 401
Men, 165 Women & 225 Children equal
to 648 Rations per day - by the issue
of the Military Ration this will be reduced
100 per day.
To the extent of 253 Rations, persons
have completed the Year on their Lands;
an arrangement has been made for
the issue of Fresh Beef by which a
considerable saving in Transport will
take place.
Provisions are at the depot for the
consumption to the 24th December next.
The clearences of land would generally
average about six acres in each hundred.
I have already stated that this Set-
tlement is almost exclusively composed
of discharged Soldiers, those are chiefly
of the Regiments of de Meuron and
de Watteville & Corps from Europe. The
consequence is that they are without
money and without a knowledge of the
process of preparing a New Country for
Crops. - I am sorry too to add that
many of them are wretchedly clothed
so that notwithstanding the unvaried
exertions of Lt Col. Heriot who certainly
has faithfully discharged his duty to
the Settlement and has studied to promote
its advancement. The circumstances which
I have stated, added to the disadvantage
of the climate of Lower Canada, will I
think require that Drummondville should
receive assistance for a more extended
period from its Commencements, than the
Settlement on the Rideau, at which there
is a great proportion of Emigrants from
home, generally possessing some little
Funds for their assistance, and the military
part of the Settlement is chiefly discharged
Men from the Canadian & Glengary Fencible
Regiments, who are persons in most instances
born in this Country, and, all accustomed
to the clearing & preparing of the new
Lands, indeed I could not well take
upon me to recommend any precise
time for the discontinuance of the
provisions to the Drummondville Settle-
ment, but I hope it will not be requisite
to extend the indulgence beyond next June,
and I am inclined to be of opinion,
that those persons who have been a year
on their Lands and who have not by
that time provided for their future sup-
port, or at all events have not Crops
coming on for the ensuing Winters consump-
tion may be considered as unworthy of
futher assistance from Government.
I transmit for your Excellencys informa-
tion a statement of the present Establish-
ment for this Settlement. - The Situation
of Secretary & Storekeeper you will perceive
is vacant, and if this place is to be filled
up, I beg to recommend Wm [William] Gibsone who
was for a considerable time in the Military
Secretarys Office under Captn Freer, and
from whom I understand that Mr.
Gibsone is a clever and intelligent person,
and a complete man of business - Your
Excellency will be enabled to form a
Judgement whether the duty at Drum-
mondville may after a certain period
be performed by the Establishment which
I have recommended for the Rideau, keeping
a Branch of the Commissariat at William
Henry, similar to that at Fort Wellington,
but I beg to observe that Lieut. Colonels
Heriot & Boucherville hold their appointments
by Commission from Lieut. General Sir Gordon
Drummond. A nominal Superintendant would
at all events be required here as recommended
for the Rideau, and the Records to be
deposited with the Surveyor General.
At both the Settlements Soldiers are
very frequently coming in demanding Lands,
althoh they have in many instances been
discharged above Eighteen Months. I would
recommend that a limited period be fixed
upon by public Notice, after the expiration
of which no discharged Soldier should
be received as a Settler, which would
prevent the imposition of persons coming
in merely to answer their own temporary
convenience. - It may be a matter for
consideration whether it will not after
the periods I have stated, be adviseable
to issue half Rations to those Settlers
for a short time, as it would be prefer-
able to receiving from them a proportionate
payment for a whole Ration, which would
create much confusion in accompts. –
I believe it is understood that the
last Settlers gone to the Rideau are to get
implements &c as issued to the others, they
appear to be industrious and well disposed
people, and to merit encouragements.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your Excellencys Most Obedient Humble Servant
Christo. Myers
Col & D Qr Mr Gl
To His Excellency
Lt Genl Sir J.C. Sherbrooke
&c &c &c
Superintendant Lt Col. Heriot ₤ 300 per Annum and ₤ 100 travelling expences : ……say
Deputy Superintendant Lt Col. Boucherville ₤ 200 per Annum & ₤ 100 travelling expences : ….. say
Secretary & Storekeeper
Receiving Officer Lt [H]Ebden half pay Voltigeurs
Deputy Ass. Commisst Genl Leggatt
One Clerk
One Issuer
Hospl Asst Ritchie & Medecines
A School Master at ₤ 50 per Annum : …. say
Total ₤
A nominal Superintendant Similar to the one at the Rideau
Secretary & Storekeeper
One Clerk |
One Issuer |
One man in the Stores
A School Master at ₤ 50 per Annum : …. say
Total ₤ |
Bilan financier du surintendant général des colons au Bas-Canada,
Frederick George Heriot, du 25 juin 1815 au 31 janvier 1817.
Archives nationales d'Angletere, Kew.
AO 1/2131/3, Roll 3
The Declaration of the Account
of Frederick George Heriot Esquire, as Superintendent
General of Settlers in Lower Canada, from the 25th June
1815 to the 31th of January 1817 duly attested
The said account having been
Examined and audited and State thereof approved
and allowed by Warrant of the Right Honorable the Lords
Commissioners of His Majesty’s Treasury dated the 27th day
of August 1818.
Was Declared before the Right
Honorable Nicholas Vansittart Chancellor and under Treasurer
of His Majesty’s Exchequer, and one of the Lords Commissioners of
the Treasury, William Lowther Esquire (commonly called Lord
Viscount Lowther) and William Odell, Esquire, two others Lords
Commissioners of the Treasury, on the 30th day of January 1819.
Received from William Henry Robinson
Esquire Commissary General the following
Sums of money, pusuant to Warrants of
the Commander of the Forces in Canada for
the time being, dated as hereinafter mentioned
£. S. D.
By Warrant dated 18th of June 1815 300.0.0
By Warrant dated 24th of June 1816 300.0.0
In all the Money received from William Henry
Robinson Esquire pursuant to the Warrants
above mentioned as by the Accounts of this Account
ant Examined and Certified by William Thomson
Esquire Deputy Commissary General of Accounts
at Quebec stating that the accounts
are regular
Halifax Currency
and properly authorized, appears in
£. S. D.
Currency the Sum of
The accountant charges himself with the
amount of an overcomputation in the bill of
Augustus Brion for the Carriage of 248
hundred weight of Baggage belonging to Settlers
from Saint Francis to Drummondville at 3/4
Currency per Hundred Weight the same being
charged as £ 41.16.8 instead of £ 41.6.8 the difference £. S. D.
Voluntary Charges
Received for 168 Flannel Waiscoats
and 105 pair of drawers at 17
each issued to the Settlers and
together to £ 13.13.0 Army Sterling
£. S. D.
in Currency to
The like for 4 pair of Shoes issued to
Settlers at 6/8 per pair
In all the Monies received on the
£. S. D.
abovementioned the Sum of
Total Charge
Payments for various Expences incur-
red pursuant to Instructions of Sir Gordon
Drummond Commander of the Forces in Canada
dated Quebec the 4th of June 1815 as hereinafter
Viz t
of Laborers employed opening Roads
and removing Stores and Provisions
£. S. D.
Pay of John Oakes as Letter carrier from
the 25th of November 1815 to the 1st of March
1816 at 17/6 per
The Like to Joseph Bourque, John
Saunders and Thomas Whitehead, from the
25th of March to the 25th November 1816 at 12/6
per Week each
Sundry Travelling and other Expences of
officers and Settlers between the 25th of June
1815 and the 24th of
november 1816
Seed for the use of the Settlers consisting of
Indian Corn, Oats, Wheat, Clover, Grass Turnip,
Beans, and Potatoes
Transporting Baggage, grain, Stores, and
other articles
Rent of buildings used as an hospital,
Store Houses, and Guard House, between the
21th of July 1815 and the 1st
February 1817
Erecting a School House and Store
Hospital expences consisting of Milk, Tea,
Spirits and Surgical
Canoes, Scows, Oars and
Blacksmiths Work 26.0.10
Erecting Bridges on the River Saint
William Shea and James Smitherson
for going express from William Henry to
For Printing
For Stationary
For Postage
Contingent Expences appertaining to
this service
In all the Money paid by the Accountant for
the service abovementioned as by the Receipts of the
Parties or their assigns and the accounts of this
Accountant Examined and Certified by Mr.
Thomson and Vouched, and aldo by an Extract
from the abovementioned Instructions of Sir
Gordon Drummond, dated Quebec the 4th of June Halifax Currency
1815, certified by the Commissary of
S. D.
appears in Halifax Currency the Sum
Money paid to Commissary General Wood at
Québec pursuant to Warrants of the Commander
of the Forces on the days dans for the SumHerein-
aftermentioned, stated to be the balance remaining
in the hands of the accountant at the termination
of his present account, with which said Sums
Mr. Wood is charged in the Ledger of Public
Accountants in the Office of the Commissioners for
auditing the Public Account
By Warrant dated the 6th September
By like Warrant dated the 3rd
November 1817
In all the Money paid to Commissary General
Wood on the occasions abovementioned
as by his
Halifax Currency
Receipts respectively dated Quebec the 30th of October and £. S. D.
the 6th November
1817 appears the Sum of
Total Discharge
And so the said accoutant upon the End and
termination of this his account as Superintendent
ent general of Settlers in Lower Canada from the
25th of June 1815 to the 31th of January 1817 is Even and Quit
J. Bussey
Wm Machworth
No 27 Declaratur 30e die Januarÿ 1819.
N. Vansittart
Wm Odell
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